Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Everything in excess!

"Everything in excess!" wrote Robert Heinlein as Lazarus Long, the centuries old salty character in a bunch of his sci fi books. "To enjoy the flavor of life, you've got to take big bites. Moderation is for monks."
What would Lazarus Long say about our current sqeamishness with truth? It has become more important to be careful and not rock the boat than it is to speak truth. There is even a quote floating around out there that Archbishop Rowan Williams can't even defend claiming that he said, "Unity is more important than truth."
I can't imagine that. But if what they say is true, that he hates conflict and just wants peace at all costs, then perhaps he did say it.
Unity may be more important than being RIGHT, maybe. Or unity may be more important than having all the answers. But if some wise person has some truth to offer this crazy world, I sure hope she isn't sitting back worrying about whether it will disrupt the unity. In fact, I might be bold enough to say that without truth, our unity is on shaky ground, indeed.
Let's have an excess of truth! Even if we only believe it's our truth. Let's claim it boldly and let the monks make everyone happy. Although Joan Chittister doesn't seem to care whose unity she disrupts. Salut!

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